RA’s practices are deeply rooted in sustainability and accountability, and we direct our focus towards material topics where we know we can make a significant impact. As we acknowledge that our business has a close connection to our clients’ activities, to maintain clarity, we establish well-defined organizational boundaries encompassing what we can directly control and influence. Within these topics, crucial for the long-term economic, social, and environmental sustainability of RA, we take pride in our commitment to responsible practices, a testament to the dedicated work and substantial efforts of our sustainability team, the ESG committee, the Board as well as efforts made across the organisation.
Modern Slavery Statement 2023
Anti-Slavery Human Trafficking Policy
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
Sustainable Procurement Policy
Code Of Conduct Policy
ESG Policy
Data Protection Policy
Dignity At Work Policy
Equality And Diversity Policy
Gifts & Hospitality Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct
Whistleblowing Policy
Supplier impact
We partner with and purchase supplies from various international organisations and local and regional suppliers. We want to ensure that our suppliers share our values and uphold our standards, so we require them to undergo a vetting process. With the support of software, our Group Compliance Officer will document a third party's reputation, background, and past performance. If there are any red flags, RA will not proceed. The third party will also be asked to confirm in writing that they understand and will follow our Code of Conduct policy and must renew their commitment to this Code of Conduct yearly.
Key Actions & Achievements
- We conduct comprehensive reputation screening and risk assessments for high-value and high-risk suppliers, including recruitment agencies, customs brokers, and other intermediaries representing RA. These assessments have introduced new measures to prevent human trafficking, child labour or any form of Modern Slavery within our supply chain.
- All our suppliers sign our Supplier Code of Conduct to keep doing business with us.
- The number of reported and upheld cases of human trafficking and child labour in our supply chain in 2023 was zero and we aim to keep it that way.
Client impact
For all new commercial clients, we have begun carrying out detailed due diligence on new projects with a value of USD 500,000 or above. All our clients undergo a values and reputational-based client impact assessment. The outcome of these assessments is to establish a sustainability risk score for each client and project which allows us to design risk-controlling measures. We also prioritise creating a positive social impact in our projects, emphasising employment opportunities while actively addressing and mitigating any potential environmental impacts. One way we do this is by our commitment to providing local employment, and upholding this is a key consideration when working with new clients.
We maintain a list of industries and organisations aligned with the UN Global Compact, with which we will not engage under any circumstances. We check all potential clients for instances of unethical and non-compliant behaviour and the actions taken to remedy and rectify reported cases.
Human Rights & Anti-Bribery and Corruption (“ABC”)
The RA Code of Conduct outlines our commitment to upholding human rights and determinedly opposing any breaches. These policies extend to our employees, service providers, suppliers, clients, and visitors to our sites. We actively promote awareness and adherence through various channels, including regular training sessions, Toolbox Talks, on-site visits, inspections, and communications focused on this subject by our Group Compliance Officer. We also actively encourage staff to raise concerns and report any incidences of malpractice through our independent and anonymous whistle-blower channel, ensuring that any allegations or complaints are thoroughly investigated.
Speak Up
We encourage all our stakeholders to raise concerns or report any suspected breaches of our Codes of Conduct, policies or other relevant laws and regulations using our anonymous Speak Up channel. The channel is operated by a third party, open 24/7 and every report is thoroughly reviewed.