Sustainability at RA
Our clients want results – fast. And that is what we deliver. But our ambitions reach further: we want to positively impact the societies and communities where we operate while minimising our environmental impact. For projects that are remotely located and in difficult environments, overcoming immediate challenges is often prioritised at the expense of finding sustainable solutions. We do not believe that the two are mutually exclusive.
At RA, we take pride in our comprehensive approach to sustainability. Since 2008, we have been an active member of the UN Global Compact. We report under leading global frameworks, such as CDP and TCFD, ensuring transparency in our efforts. Our sustainability strategy is not a mere checklist but a structured plan that encompasses our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts, all aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”).
To act responsibly and sustainably is at the heart of our company culture – and our success.
Our Sustainability Strategy

Our 2022 sustainability strategy was designed following a thorough materiality assessment, ensuring that the concerns of RA's stakeholders are at the forefront of our focus. This strategy comprises of 15 material focus areas, each directly linked to at least one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and corresponding targets. Within these focal points, we have assigned key performance indicators (KPIs), set targets, established reporting schedules and designated individuals responsible for managing specific areas. All our results are documented in our Annual Sustainability Report and on our website.

Material topics
- Training and skills development
- 4.4 Increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills
Training and skills development
We make a direct and lasting impact by transferring skills, providing education, and motivating and developing our staff. Our goal is to foster long-term and rewarding careers for all our employees. We strive to promote from within as much as possible, recognizing that this approach is powerful for retaining our corporate culture and supporting local development. Read more here.
- Equal opportunity
- 10.2 Promote the social, economic, and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, or economic status
Equal opportunity
Strong diversity is at the core of RA with over 45 nationalities working at the company. We challenge bias by providing employment regardless of age, sex, disability, ethnicity, origin, relation, or economic status, and have a special focus on female progression. Read more here.
- Occupational health and safety
- 8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers
Occupational health and safety
Our work takes us to conflict zones where there is a high risk of harm to human life. Ensuring the health and safety of our staff and those we work with is therefore a high priority. Many of our staff spend long periods away from their home country and families so we also place a strong focus on mental and physical wellbeing. Read more here.
- Economic impacts
- 8.3 Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, and innovation
Economic impacts
Our activities directly and indirectly impact local economies by creating employment opportunities and supporting local businesses. We make an effort to source goods and services locally whenever feasible and have set ambitious targets for employing local staff and promoting their growth within our organization. Read more here.
- Community support
- All
Community support
We support the communities where we operate though charitable activities and by responding to urgent needs and events under the principle of doing “What we can. Where we are.” Read more here.
- Materials
- 12.2 Achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
We use a lot of raw materials in our operations. We are applying innovative methods to reduce the volume of raw materials used, to save both the environment and money for ourselves and for our clients. . We actively pursue opportunities to provide sustainable options and alternatives to our clients whenever feasible and practical. Read more here.
- Energy use
- 7.2 Increase substantially the share of renewable energy, 7.3 Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency
Energy use
Energy is crucial to our operations since we often work in remote and underdeveloped regions, where we must generate our own energy. We are committed to investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy to lower costs and minimize our environmental impact. Read more here.
- Emissions
- 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into policies, strategies, and planning
RA is committed to the Paris Agreement of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. As a business, we believe it’s our responsibility to reduce emissions and contribute to the fight against climate change. We have set science-based emissions reduction targets for scope 1 and 2 and will be setting scope 3 targets at the end of 2024. Read more here.
- Supplier impact
- 8.7 Eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking
Supplier impact
We carry out detailed due diligence on our suppliers to prevent negative impacts and ensure that our suppliers share the same zero tolerance stance towards child labour and human trafficking. All our suppliers must sign our Code of Conduct and renew their commitment to this Code yearly. Read more here.
- Employment practices
- 8.5 Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all
Employment practices
We offer fair wages and a safe, secure working environment, following international employment best practices wherever we operate. Read more here.
- Client impact
- All
Client impact
We work with clients who share our values, and we consider “whole project” impacts in addition to our own direct impacts. We prioritise creating a positive social impact in our client projects, emphasising local employment opportunities while actively addressing and mitigating any potential environmental impacts. Read more here.
- Waste
- 12.5 Reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse
We reduce the amount of waste we produce, and we manage how waste is handled and treated to minimise environmental impact and to limit negative impact on local communities. Read more here.
- Water and effluents
- 6.4 Increase water-use efficiency
Water and effluents
Fresh water is a precious resource, particularly considering many of the countries in which we operate are water stressed. We measure and minimise our consumption through staff training and low consumption machinery and treat wastewater wherever possible. Read more here.
- Human rights
- All
Human rights
We uphold and advocate for human rights in our sphere of influence. The RA Code of Conduct outlines our commitment to upholding human rights and determinedly opposing any breaches. These policies extend to our employees, service providers, suppliers, clients, and visitors to our sites. Read more here.
- Anti-bribery and corruption (“ABC”)
- 16.5 Reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
Anti-bribery and corruption (“ABC”)
We have clear ABC policies and do not tolerate any forms of bribery and corruption. Read more here.