Our mission is to simplify yours.
Through infrastructure and support services, RA International simplifies project success for organisations that aim to make a difference. If you need to venture into unfamiliar countries and cultures, remote locations or conflict areas, we supply what’s needed for you to do your job. Our services include:
- Integrated facilities management. We operate and maintain the camps that are necessary to provide life support and care for your investments in a sustainable way.
- Construction. We build and design buildings, roads and other infrastructure needed for your operations.
- Supply chain. We supply everything needed for construction, operation and maintenance, even under the most challenging supply and logistics scenarios.
Wherever you go, and whatever the obstacles, we help you Deliver. Regardless

What guides us forward
MISSION: Through infrastructure and support services, we simplify project success for organisations that aim to make a difference.
VISION: The most reliable partner for projects with global impact.
PURPOSE: We deliver immediate results and lasting change.
Meet the team
We’ve all come to RA International via different routes – from business, engineering, construction, humanitarian and military backgrounds. But we share three vital characteristics: a love of tough challenges, tenacity and positivity. We want to get the job done, and we do!
HOW WE Solve your problems on the spot »
HOW WE Research thoroughly »
HOW WE Get you started, fast »
HOW WE Handle the challenges »
Your purchasing department ordered eco-vehicles, but now you realise that winter temperatures at your destination can go down to minus 40° C….and those engines just weren’t built for cold climates. What do you do? >>
In this particular real life case, RA immediately flagged up that there would be an issue with the planned vehicles. However, since it proved impossible to revise the order, we made sure there were back-up vehicles close to the site, ready for leasing. The convoy drove ahead as planned, with barely any time lost.
When things don’t turn out quite as planned, it helps to work with people who know the terrain and its limitations. At RA, all our staff have experience of working in remote locations and challenging conditions. We’ve learnt to embrace the challenges, which means we can smooth the way for you.
So you thought the Sahara was dry? Actually, it rains sometimes. And when it rains, there are flash floods. You can actually be swept off the road by a wave, which seems to come from nowhere. How do you deal with it? >>
You can rest assured that in any location where RA offers support, we have already done thorough ground research ahead of your request. Our teams have visited the region over a period of 2-3 years, gathering info about the roads the weather conditions, and any other mission critical information. We can’t stop flash floods in the desert, but we can help you avoid them and plan ahead.
What if you need a full-service catering operation in the remote borderlands of Uganda – and you need it set up within a week? What would you do? >>
Whether you’re heading for West, Central or East Africa, RA can have an advance team on site to kick the project off within 72 hours, closely followed by reinforcements. Our project managers are all prepped for rapid mobilisation and we have a large database of contract staff who have worked for RA on earlier contracts and are happy to join us again. In addition, pre-qualified suppliers of equipment and fast logistical capabilities enable quick ramp up for new contracts. It helps that we already know who to deal with and how to get things done in a hurry.
You need a camp set up in a remote location Africa. It’s two weeks drive from the capital on dirt roads. The population is divided and there are known rebel strongholds on your route. What do you do?
When RA was asked by the United Nations to build accommodation for a peace-keeping force in Tine, near Darfur, it looked like an impossible mission. Tine is a long way from the capital and the journey there would take us through a country scattered with 27,000 AU soldiers and at least four rebel bases. But the peace keeping force needed a base from which to ensure the safe return of refugees, and – in spite of the many challenges and risks involved – we managed to give them one.
A sustainable business
At RA International, we are using the power of our business as a force for good. Our ESG strategy is centred around the UN SDGs and shows how we think carefully about the environmental, social and financial impacts of the decisions we make.